Career Life Plan & Personal Transition Plan » Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy for



Kaiser Complex… World C.L.A.S.S. Education for All Commitment, Leadership, Achievement, Stewardship and Service. The Academic Honesty Policy at Niu Valley Middle School (NVMS) and Kaiser High School (KHS) provides specific parameters and behavioral expectations for learners to produce work and take tests ethically and with integrity. The policy is designed to provide guidance in developing ethical behaviors and principled attitudes in the school settings.



  • Plagiarism and cheating are recognized as unacceptable.
  • Technology must be used responsibility and appropriately in all settings.
  • Testing procedures and security measures are strictly adhered to and observed.
  • Appropriate protocols of incorporating and citing the work of other sources is taught and strictly followed.



  • Resources in every format are consistently cited using the Modern Language Association (MLA) style, or the discipline specific style.
  • Copyright laws and restrictions are strictly followed


All stateholders will:

  • Use a variety of valid and reputable resources with divergent perspectives.
  • Cite sources used in standard citation form or in discipline specific style.
  • Adhere to copyright laws and restrictions.
  • Use technology responsibly and appropriately.


Academic Integrity is:

  • Completing and submitting work that is entirely one’s own, including words, thoughts, ideas, concepts, images and data, and properly giving credit when one uses other’s words, thoughts, ideas, concepts, images, or data in one’s work.
  • Not plagiarizing or cheating when completing one’s work.


Plagiarism is defined as submitting the words, ideas, images, or data from another person in any of one’s academic writing or projects and claiming them as one’s own.


Cheating may not include but is not limited to:

  • Possession of unauthorized materials (e.g. cheat sheets, notes, etc.)
  • Having someone else compose, write, revise, edit and publish.
  • Copying someone else’s work, providing the work to be copied, or submitting someone else’s work as one’s own.
  • Using false or fabricated quote, references, or data.
  • Copying or sharing answers during a test, quiz or exam

Consequences of not adhering to this policy will be handled under Chapter 19.


Rev. 9.26.18

Rev. 1.07.13