Q: Is there a school supply list?
A: No, we do not have a school supply list. To prepare for school, the basics should be obtained. 2" binder, folder paper, pens, pencils, etc. Each individual teacher will provide your child with a syllabus which will also advise you of any special items that will be needed.
Q: May I have lunch with my child?
A: All visitors on campus must sign in at the front office. All visits must be educationally related and approved by the office. Please note that dropping off lunch to the Front Office for your child to pick up is not allowed.
Q: Is there a PE Uniform?
A: No, we do not have a PE uniform. Students may wear comfortable shorts and shirts that allow for movement, athletic shoes, and socks.
Q: When is the Drivers' Ed class offered?
A: Drivers' Ed is offered on the availability of the instructor. It is usually during the Fall or Spring Breaks. There will be 50 applications handed out, of which only 30 students will get a place via lottery. Students Must have their learning permit to pick up an application. Please keep monitoring eNotes for the announcement.
Q: When is the PSAT?
A: The PSAT testing dates are in October. It is first come, first served and seats fill up quickly!. Go to: PSAT for more information.
Q: How do I apply for Free or Reduced Lunch?
A: EZ School Pay has an online application for Free and Reduced lunch. Please click the link here for information: EZ School Pay.
Q: How will be notified of emergencies, school closures, etc.
A. Kaiser High School, along with the Department of Education, uses School Messenger as their primary source for messaging parents in the event of an emergency, school closure, lock down, etc.. School Messenger will notify your email and telephone contacts that are in Infinite Campus. Please ensure your contact information is up-to-date.
Parents if you are not receiving school messenger notices?
School Messenger is a messaging system which the Department of Education has implemented. Messages and letters of importance are sent through the School Messenger System which is connected to your email address in the Infinte Campus. If you are not receiving school messenger notices, please follow the instructions below:
If you have access to Infinite Campus, please login, click Settings and Notification Settings. Ensure you have an email listed, if not, you may enter one at this time and check preference boxes.
If you don’t have access to Infinite Campus, or would like your email added to your account, please contact our registrar – [email protected] to receive a unique code.
For notification of what is going on in school, events and news. Subscribe to Kaiser HS eNotes. You may do so emailing: [email protected]
Q: How can I find out more information about International Baccalaureate Diploma and Career Related Programmes? As well as Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses?
IB Programmes: Students and parents interested in the IB Diploma Programme or IB Career-related Programme can begin with exploring our and as well as the IB's public website, Interested students can also stop by Bradley Bogard's office (located upstairs in the library), and parents are welcome to call or email: [email protected] as well. Shareen Murayama, IBCP Coordinator, can also be her room, C103 or via email at [email protected].us.
Applications were given to students in their US History classes last week, and they will be available electronically in the near future. If they decide to apply for the IBDP or CP programmes and did not make the info night, then I would like to speak with both students and parent/s. The application deadline for IBDP is November 13, 2018.AP Courses: All students will be receiving registration information in KAP class on November 21. AP courses are an option as presented in the course guide, however, the entry requirements vary from class to class (e.g. English requires an essay). Students will find out further information as registration time approaches. For more information on AP courses at Kaiser, click here: AP CoursesKCC Running Start (dual credit): Pleas visit their website page: Dual Credit Or, contact Ms Suzanne Nii at: [email protected] Or have your child stop by room H101 for more information.