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  • Kaiser AFJROTC pays respects at 80th Anniversary of D-Day 00:54 Kaiser AFJROTC pays respect at 80th Anniversary of D-Day at Normandy

    Kaiser High AFJROTC cadets participated in the World War II D-Day 80th Anniversary ceremonies in Normandy, France. 50 cadets from high schools across the state honored American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice and are buried at the Brittany and Normandy American cemeteries, including 9 soldiers with ties to Hawaii.
    License code: YC1F0JS4MQSDTM9X

    Uploaded Jun 20, 2024 to Air Force JROTC
  • Video montage of videos produced by the MCLC 3:54 MCLC Video Montage

    A montage of videos produced by the Media Communications Learning Center

    Uploaded Nov 16, 2022
  • Video of donated desserts! 00:53 2022 Dessert Fantasy

    MAHALO to all of our Cougar Parents and Guardians who so graciously brought treats for our teachers and staff for yesterday’s teacher’s appreciation day. Everyone was so amazed at the outpouring of your show of appreciation. Please see video: Dessert Fantasy.

    Uploaded May 05, 2022

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