International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme » Sciences


Nature of Sciences
With inquiry at the core, the MYP sciences framework aims to guide students to independently and collaboratively investigate issues through research, observation and experimentation. The MYP sciences curriculum must explore the connections between science and everyday life. As they investigate real examples of science applications, students will discover the tensions and dependencies between science and morality, ethics, culture, economics, politics, and the environment.

Scientific inquiry also fosters critical and creative thinking about research and design, as well as the identification of assumptions and alternative explanations. Students should learn to appreciate and respect the ideas of others, gain good ethical-reasoning skills and further develop their sense of responsibility as members of local and global communities.

Learning science involves more than simply learning technical terminology. The MYP considers all teachers to be language teachers and, thus, MYP sciences should enable students to access, use and communicate scientific knowledge correctly and confidently in oral, written and visual modes.


The aims of all MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to experience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience.

The aims of MYP sciences are to encourage and enable students to:

  • understand and appreciate science and its implications
  • consider science as a human endeavour with benefits and limitations
  • cultivate analytical, inquiring and flexible minds that pose questions, solve problems, construct explanations and judge arguments
  • develop skills to design and perform investigations, evaluate evidence and reach conclusions
  • build an awareness of the need to effectively collaborate and communicate
  • apply language skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts
  • develop sensitivity towards the living and non-living environments
  • reflect on learning experiences and make informed choices.
IBMYP Courses
Biology 1